Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts

Letter to my MP, following the revelations by Alicia Kearns regarding Legal Advice from Foreign Office Lawyers.

I have always opposed militarism, and have been part of the protest movements that challenged the many wars prosecuted by the UK Governments of the past 25 years.

I sent this and other letters via 

Dear Representative,

It has been revealed by Alicia Stearns, Commons Foreign Affairs Committee via an audio clip from a meeting with Conservatives in London last week. that the foreign office Lawyers have advised that Israel is in breach of International Law, Humanitarian Law and other Laws.

Francesca Albanese, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, has confirmed that 4 of the 5 conditions of the Genocide Convention have been met in Gaza and The West Bank.

These all indicates that Lord Cameron and prime minister Rishi Sunak must understand that the legal situation as defined above means the UK has to cease all arms sales to Israel without delay. 

Legal experts said that not to do so would risk putting the UK in breach of international law itself, as it would be seen as aiding and abetting war crimes by a country it was exporting arms to.

I urge you to go to the House of Commons and speak up for me, as you represent me, your constituent, to demand that the UK Parliament, the UK Government in whole acts now to uphold international law, without fear or favour, to prevent Israel from further military action, blockades, occupation and other forms of oppression of the Palestinian people, and that the Israeli State and indeed, the Hamas Military wing, be held accountable for all their criminal actions, in this 'war', unconditionally.

I urge you to represent this to Sir Keir Starmer as Leader and to the front bench of the Labour Parliamentary Party.

To fail to do so will be seen and understood as being complicit in the commission of those crimes.

Yours sincerely,

Kindest regards


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Letter to my democratically elected representative on Gaza, Genocide and the Law.

Gaza 2024

 Some of the data : source 

Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Speaking after the Ceasefire Resolution

"Everyone knows their duty"

Francesca Albanese confirms the charge - It is a genocide.

Letter, sent via

Dear Representative,

This Tuesday, March 26th, Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur  on Palestine and the (illegally) Occupied Territories, working for the United Nations Human Rights Commission, held a press conference to announce confirmation that Israeli MIlitary Assault and Occupation of Gaza has met the first 4 of 5 conditions required to define the action as a Genocide.

The Genocide Convention codifies genocide as “any of the [specified] acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.”

Accordingly, the crime of genocide comprises two interconnected elements: 

(a) The actus reus: the commission of any one or more specific acts against a protected group, namely: 

(i)  killing members of the group; 

(ii)  causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; 

(iii)  deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;  

(iv)  imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; 
(v)  forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. 


(b) The mens rea: the intent behind the commission of one or more of the above- mentioned acts that must be established, which includes two intertwined elements: 

(i)  a general intention to carry out the criminal acts (dolus generalis), and 

(ii)  a specific intention to destroy the target group as such (dolus specialis).

Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur for for the United Nations Human Rights Commission for Palestine and the (Illegally) Occupied Territories, has asserted, with evidence to support the claim, that Israel and its allies have broken the first four elements of the Genocide Convention, and have fulfilled the mens rea element.

As an elected democratic governance official you represent the total population of the Constituency, irrespective of individuals choice of parties - you represent the people who did not vote for, as much as any other.

As as an elected democratic governance official you are duty bound to uphold the Law, without exception.

 There is a moral element to this too which you cannot avoid.

I sincerely call upon you, as a constituent whom you represent, to present my concern that the Law regarding genocide is upheld in fully , by His Majesty’s Government and his Majesty’s Opposition and that you represent this in Parliament, as the earliest possible moment, and that you reply to me having done so, with proof of having done so. 

I humbly request that you to take the appropriate action(s) to uphold the Law , to do your duty as my political representative, because I cannot walk into Parliament and make my case - that is your job.

I hope that you agree  with me that the civilian population of Palestine need every possible action taken to to stop this atrocity, immediately, without any preconditions set that would  impede cessation of the genocidal violence being perpetrated upon them, even as I write.

If you fail in this - without adequate explanation - I will consider you to be actively complicit in enabling this Genocide, as a member of the UK Parliament, the Democratic Governing Body of the United Kingdom.

I will take action, with others, within the Constituency to follow up on that, either way, without fear or favour.

I beg you to do the right thing, to not remain silent on this matter, to speak out on my behalf in the House of Commons and elsewhere. Let us stand together in solidarity on this matter.

Yours Sincerely....

Kindest regards


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Birth in Gaza: a cultural marker, and not a good one.

I was born by Ceasarian long time ago, in a foreign land, and I needed an immediate blood transfusion and other assistance, straight into an incubator. I was very lucky indeed to survive. Much luckier than so many..... I think of the mothers to be of Gaza, and my heart breaks for them.

A news article on the conditions of women in pregnancy and childbirth in Gaza these past 5 months sets the tone of my interest here, as a parent and an adult.

"She lived in a state of fear that impacted not only her mental health, but also the well-being of the baby growing inside of her. In late November, during a temporary truce in fighting between Israel and Hamas, she noticed a difference. “When the psychological tension eased, and the sounds of bombing ceased, I observed a notable increase in the baby’s activity,” she said.

The condition of environment of the mother, and her condition within that these all have an impact, adverse or nurturant, upon the developing child from within the womb onwards. In the case of a genocidal war all around you, the adverse impacts are incalculable, unpredictable other than they will be egregiously adverse. Intolerable and it must be said, entirely avoidable.

Just stop this insane barbaric industrial scale militarised assault upon a civilian population. 

I type out the word 'Stop'. I feel pathetic. 

I feel so weak, even as my outrage and grief and anger are not.

I'm impotent to stop anything, unless I form up and participate within a wider movement of people allied in solidarity to thwart the war makers on our streets, in our hearts and minds and in our legislatures. This we must do, no matter what. This is no longer optional.

There are no justifications for any of what is being done to the Palestinian people that would stand in The Hague as an acquittal.

The murder continues - thus  there are no conditions to be met by anyone before the Israeli Military is ordered to stop - indeed those that have not yet shed blood should legally mutiny from that Institution (the IDF or IOF) to avoid committing war crimes. Israel needs a mutiny, a mutiny for ceasefire and then peace.

Imagine being a parent of small infants and toddlers in all of that horror?

I think of the women in Gaza and West Bank today and yesterday and tomorrow (everywhere war plagues innocent civilian populations) going through last trimester of a beloved pregnancy in the conditions imposed by Israeli Military Assault, supported by USUSK and EU across Gaza and the West Bank.

My god. It's a terrible, terrible scene. 

This is not what these babies are evolved to expect to meet.  

How can their mothers and fathers known peace that their children might know now it too? When it is well understood and widely known that peace in the home is absolutely essential to healthy development of all our children.

The culture that deems that condition we see in war zones an acceptable part of war, which is in and of it self already intolerable and unjust ,is not at all evolved. 

It is not a culture that adapts to a changing world  which is what evolution means - it is instead a cult that demands the dynamic variations and the constant changes of living healthy biology are wrought by it into wealth and power, and for no other.

The Bully Cult is rooted deeply in mistreatment of children and vulnerable persons as collateral damage in its pursuit of dominance. 

It is in inhumane cult. Many are seeing it as it is for the first time, and that is always a difficult moment.

And yet, it is the truth that the vast majority of us are innocent of any of its crimes, even if we pay taxes and they are abused by deployment to violence and destruction, even if we voted stupidly, voted without checking, turned our heads away from the News, we were busy, we are still innocents in these wars. People like us pay the price. They need us as their allies.

That said, in the Western Democracies, we have legitimate tools to gain a majority in our legislatures and we should use our collective and individual innocence as our major leverage - the innocent pay the heaviest price in every war.

No more!

Kindest regards


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Gaza Needs This Now, The World of States Needs This Now

A military assault upon a civilian population is not a war - it is a genocide.


Gaza needs this now - read with cadence.. 

'Time is of the essence.

Gaza needs this now

While they are
Aching for safety,

Crushing onslaught,

Gnawing hunger,

Pounding barrages,

Pressing hunger,

Sharp shards.

Dull crunch,

Stabbing pain.

Throbbing hearts,

Burning desire.

Deep despair,

Knot-like resilience.

Pinching myself

Is this real?

Prickling dust,

Sore feet.

Stretching canvas


Crampy conditions,
Electric disabled,

On-the-surface rubble,

Pins and Needles. 

Pulsing Terror,

Shooting Civilians,
The Hunger.

Liberation from 

Gaza. ..

Israeli ceasefire.
Gaza needs This

Just STOP.

The world of states..
needs this 

and so many other places.

Ceasefire! You bloody maniacs! Ceasefire!'

a cartoon from mondowiess
The area of Gaza overlaid on London

Every day, all day, all night for 5 months

Mike Pence signing Israeli Artillery Shells 2024
Keeping it going.

Stop it.

You maniac!


Why do children bully other children?

Because Adults bully.

Nobody wants to have that conversation.

History tells us the modern State was born of Kingdoms, most often with much bloodshed.

Hierarchies of Wealth and Power that deploy layers of violences to maintain and expand their dominant reach are a threat to our species.

We do not need States that rationalise mass trauma as part of a 'necessary' and 'inevitable' historical struggle for dominance. We never have.

We need States that are born of peoples, emergent states that represent the healthy and just self determination of each people, each language group, each ethnicity, each culture, each territory according to how they best live well, nurtured and safe.

These States must therefore be bio logical egalitarian entities, rather than structures of hierarchical belief systems, and must reflect the evolved state of healthy mutual aid that is the base line of human and Homo Sapiens evolution and optimally biological health.


Kindest regards


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Israeli Combat Teams fire on Gazan civilians searching for food aid. No excuses.

We sit here and watch, wherever we are, acutely aware that we are not there, that those who are are suffering terribly. We want this to stop, already. 

A State cannot be capable of such atrocity, let alone enabled, supplied, protected and validated. 

A State doing this intentionally, and smugly un-apologetic about it all?


That cannot be right!

Looking at the screen, not believing what we are seeing, in almost real time, our hearts and minds shaken and clouded with confusion, fury, sorrow. We cannot turn away, We are witnesses and we are companions in the long march to social and material and indigenous freedom from oppression, finally at peace and thriving.

Watching in horror, grief and outrage as a dusty multitude of Palestinian people are moving along, mostly in one direction, walking and running along by the sea front, a massive nervous crowd, many heads glancing back towards the camera, checking.  For as far as the camera show can see into the horizon.

They all know that death is in the air, Israeli warships are off the coast. That kinda thing makes on nervous.

A biblical multitude, a sea of people, by the sea, in Gaza. An ocean of tears.

The waves of the Mediterranean break onto the sunlit shoreline in the background of the shot.

An ocean of tears. Everyone dusted by the dust of pulverised concrete…

Where there was once a road and many buildings, landmarks and trees, a bustling, functioning city, full of people and lives being lived is nothing but rubble and a wide path cut through it.

The Israeli Military had had their way. They have left their mark.  These are not battle marks. These are a military campaign of urban demolition. The developers have moved in, and started the deconstruction of the site.

A barren wasteland of urban materials crumpled aside into piles of rubble, around skeletal remains still standing to make a super wide traffic flow space for Israeli military vehicles.

You’ve seen the images of that sea side road of death.

As far as the eye can see, people moving, moving towards the desperate hope to get some food, trying, hoping to find some food from the aid supply trucks, all along the aid delivery line.

These people are starving.  They are being starved, deliberately.

The are exposed to continuous traumatic distress, all day, 247, for 5 months and more.

They don’t have enough food. The food is there, and is being blocked by the Israeli Military.

This is being prosecuted by an industrial scale mechanised, hi-tech multi-platform military machine, and it’s suppliers and supporters.

They don’t have enough water. The water could be made available, nearly all the civil water sanitation has been destroyed.

Flattened earth theory. Erasing the civil topography, chasing the inhabitants away, extirpating the cultural sites, the graveyards, the memorials. Erasing a Nation.



Given the situation, the only sound action is for the Israeli Military action cease, and withdraw, as aid, help, personnel are flowing in, and those in acute need who need modern health care and surgical services can be transferred. There's so much work that must start now. There is no excuse. 

The politics is infuriating. 

The power struggles and gaming and brinkmanship and horse trading - delaying whilst munitions are being launched upon homeless Palestinian civilians - are make what is already a complex vast scale human made catastrophe much more complicated a task to help those people than it ever needs to be.  Unless being deployed bye the Israeli state as a weapon. Collective Punishment.

What use is International Law if the leading powers routinely ignore such Laws, with impunity?

Just stop! 

That's it. Stop. Stay stopped and talk. Enough,

Kindest regards


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Letter to my MP on the failure of UK Parliament to uphold International Humanitarian Law and the interests of Peace.

The facts laid out in a meme.

The Undemining of Peace, by a pro-War activist Lawyer (the persecutor of Julian Assange)

To Gareth Thomas, MP

Following the clearly adversarial approach of Labour and Conservatives this Wednesday last, in the UK Parliament in Westminster, London, an approach that disabled the SNP Opposition Day Motion calling for an 'immediate ceasefire in Gaza', and the 'ending of the collective punishment of the Palestinian people by the Israeli State', a reasonable motion by all standards, and then replaced it with a watered down, conditional motion that sought to avoid a 'rebellion' within the Labour Party back benches, a move that does not serve the interests of Peace, but instead protects the interests of Israeli Military State, and Keir Starmer’s clearly undemocratic leadership of the Labour Party, I write to you to, respectfully, to demand that the Labour Co-operative MPs who are genuinely active in seeking Peace  and Justice step away from the Labour Party.

The same Labour Party that has repeatedly refused to hold Tony Blair et al to account for their War crimes, even when we had the evidence before us.

The country re-elected him in 2005. The country failed in it’s basic duty of care.

Since then both Labour and Conservatives  have launched or supported a series of amoral Wars in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and elsewhere and have ordered Military action beyond our borders, in contravention of the Laws of War.

This means, in real terms, that the Parties and Parliament are de facto War Criminal Entities that remain unindicted.

This failure has led directly to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, in that Russia used false claims similar to the way Blair et al have done, with the real politick understanding that in practice International Law does not apply to the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council.

The obvious hypocrisy of the different stances the UK Government has taken in relation to that War and all the other wars mentioned above is now clear, and presents a constant threat to world peace and co-operation.  

It is worth noting that in a world that permits and enables warfare, the co-operation required to meet the challenges of Climate Disruption is not possible.

You must understand, as a member of a co-operative, that mutual aid is an essential component of developing healthy policy and that the adversarial dynamics of the current Govt. vs Opposition run counter to the meaning of healthy governance.

With that in mind, I am calling on you to uphold Humanitarian Law and International Law and the Laws prohibiting War.

Jeremy Corbyn in 2015 indicated that he would, if he gained the position of Prime Minister, order that War Crimes Investigations be initiated.

That was the primary (unspoken) reason for the Establishments vicious slanderous attack upon him, and upon the pro-peace policies he supported. 

That was driving emotional reaction behind the internal Blairite Campaign within Labour to undermine his leadership.

That Campaign succeeded, because Labour MPs and Members refused to stand up for International Law. 

Blair walks free, on a healthy state pension. He is amassing a large fortune as a direct result of all of this.

That failure is unacceptable, intolerable and utterly repugnant.

Please confirm that you will move to uphold International Law, distance yourself and your Party from these abject War criminals and stand with the peaceful people of Earth in your role as a politician, as a community leader and as an official whose wages we pay.

I advise you that my future, your future and all our children’s futures would be better served were you to align with the Green Party and all other genuine progressives and work to hold the war criminals to account, be they British, Russian, Syrian, Ukrainian or Israeli, or any other.

Failure to respond positively to this request will place you in a position that history will deem adverse the the interests of the people, and of peace.

Kindest regards


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Continuous Traumatic Distress is a condition Palestinians live in, it is not a disorder. The violence of apartheid occupation is the disorder.

47% of the known fatalities caused by Israeli War against Palestinian Civilians are children.
There are many more buried under the rubble.

Continuous Traumatic Distress is a condition Palestinians live in, it is not a disorder. The violence of apartheid occupation is the disorder.

Dear Representative, 

I recently wrote to you urging you to support the South African application for an adjudication at the International Courts of Justice.

I present the following 25 minute interview with two psychologists working in the area of children and trauma in war zones, with particular reference to conditions in Gaza and The West Bank, and a representative of Save The Children.

In this interview, a new condition is described - Continuous Traumatic Distress, without the adjective 'disorder'. Imagine being deliberately and intentionally traumatised every day, 247, year after year. Where is the true 'disorder'

I respectfully suggest you view this important interview, so that you understand clearly the condition Palestinian Children are in, and have been in for decades.

Can you think about a child who grows up in a war zone who cannot even imagine peace or at the very least the cessation of violence because that is all they have ever known, because the child has internalised that state so deeply, he or she has no concept of anything else?

Millions of children are now utterly dependent upon the International Community to now take action to stop the violence of the Israeli State in Gaza, The West Bank, the occupation, the illegal settlements. As these interviewees state, as things stand, there is nothing the Humanitarian community can do to help those children right now, until the violence is stopped. 

These children need safety from violence as the first step towards improved condition, as the only way to ensure all appropriate aid is provided to them, to meet their unmet needs.

I urge you once again, having viewed this interview, having understood the realities of life for these children, to at the very least demand our Governments take the action required to force Israel to cease this atrocious violence or be held accountable at the ICJ and the ICC.


Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive


Letter to all elected members of Irish Dail and Seanad regarding South Africa's application the the ICJ

Who the hell votes against a ceasefire in a Genocide?

Mike Pence, former US Vice President, signing artillery shells in Southern Israel last week.

Dear representative,

The South African Government has made an application to the International Court of Justice, which rules on serious criminal offences between States, to initiate an indictment of the State of Israel for its current violent assault upon the people of Gaza, and the West Bank. They are asking that the courts rule on the situation, to charge it as an act of Genocide, to demand that all states party to the Genocide Convention take action to prevent this genocide from continuing, as International Law requires.

Ireland has ratified the Genocide Convention, as has South Africa and Israel, and most States around the world that form up the United Nations General Assembly.

It follows then, that the Irish Government, as a member of the UN, and in recognition of the long oppression of Irish people carried out by the English State and our in depth understanding of the history and adverse impacts of colonial conquest and genocidal actions designed to destroy the culture of the Irish, our language, our customs, culture, land tenure and polity by the English State, and later the British Empire, should support this application to the International Courts of Justice.

Can you please confirm that you will be taking the appropriate action to require the Irish State to uphold the Convention on Genocide, and other International Laws of War and the Humanitarian Law and join the South African application, to support it in full, without reservation?

Kindest regards

Corneilius Crowley (Irish Citizen)


I think that Offensive Militarism is psychopathy institutionalised. It MUST be dismantled. 


Here follows a brief interview with International Human Rights Lawyer Francis Boyle, who has taken and won a number of adjudications at the International Court Of Justice, regarding  Herzogovinia/Bosnia and Yugoslavia.

Kindest regards


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They did not lose their lives.

They did not lose their lives.

Nuttyahoo has a war, AI AI Booom!

It is not a matter of looking around to see where those lives were misplaced, forgotten, left behind, dropped behind the sofa, dropped by accident as we got out of the car, left behind in the supermarket.

Their lives were stolen and not by stealth.

Their lives were taken, openly, in full view, not in a secret act or by mistake - their bodies were ruined, destroyed, violently, cruelly, intentionally. Block by block. AI AI oh.

Limbs were ripped from bodies. Hands that will never caress a grandchild's forehead, legs that will never dance again, fingers that will never again play music or prepare food and share it lovingly.

Throats that will never laugh again, or sing lullabies, or pray, eyes that will not tear up in bliss or sadness.

Their internal organs were crushed by pressure waves from hi-tech explosive munitions designed to do exactly that, delivered from the most advanced jets that industry can build, by shells sent by tanks and howitzers, carefully aimed to cause the most destruction possible.


Their hearts will not flutter in new love, their lungs will not fill nor will their throats and hearts sing at weddings, their eyes will not see the years of growth and maturation of their children, or their parents, they will not take selfies at sunset to share to their friends and family.

Their guts were spilled, splattered and spread across the walls that no longer stand to protect these families that they might sleep soundly and in love.  Body bags of parts of bodies, the remains, what is left is unrecognisable as a person, as a human being.

They were blinded, they were broken in pieces, they were battered and brutalised and their surviving relatives had to bury them under an AI rain of hellfire, rockets and white phosphorus. 

AI AI oh.

The survivors sleepless with trauma can see the stars, they can see the moon and they can see the flares through the spaces where ceilings once kept them safe from the rain and the sun. 

They have no toilets, no fresh running water, they have no food. They have no medicines, they have no counselling. They comfort each other by being still in it together, sharing what is left, which is closer to nothing with each and every bombing raid.  They have no cookers, they have no fridges and they live under plastic sheeting, they live crowded into the remaining homes, a family in each room, shivering in fear, in despair, in unbearable condition waiting for the bomb earmarked for that dwelling. They know the meaning of Genocide. The lived experience, short as it is, unbearable as it is is still far too long.

AI AI oh.

The Israeli State War diet is to the death of all the innocents, their sordid claim that peace is the aim of this growing pile of bones of Palestinian families is vulgar psychopathy institutionalised.

The USUK ruling class cheer them on. The USUK media dumb down their reporting. The USUK ruling class urge restraint in public, citing self defence, while they allow the Israeli State to continue. ‘Tone it down a bit’ they say, in public. 

They send more weapons to Ukraine, they send more weapons to Israel, they send more weapons everywhere war is active, as their shares in warfare industries increase in value. 

These are our Ruling Class. We vote for them and we pay them. And this is what we get. We are the lucky ones. They will not bomb us, will they?

We see this on our screens. We see this on our phones. 

I have long known that every war does this.  This is what war is. No war has ever been fought without harming the innocents, men, women, children and elders and their villages and towns, their cities. Horror movies are scary, war is disgusting, revolting, degrading. 

There are no heroes, the myth of honour is a veil.

It takes real human courage, it takes immense effort, it tales great heart and kindness to make Peace the task. It will take all of us to make peace a reality.

Today the USUK population correctly protest, pointing to the innocence of these Palestinian families. We hate marching, the weathers is not great, and we fervently wish we had nothing to protest, that we could instead demonstrate love and make empathy our polity’s core - our marches are not hatred, even though the ruling class hate them. Striking nurses do not hate, they care.

We did not hold our War criminals to account in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and six and seven and eight and beyond, even as we had the evidence. 

They all walk free, enriched, pensioned, protected and they have more than they need, whilst poverty is intentionally maintained in order to ensure the wealth extraction faction remains  dominant.

We - you and I and our neighbours, we who live on every street - we cannot undo the harm done, and we must ask ourselves now - 'What can we do to prevent more harm?'

How do we live on with integrity, without relying on hope, faith or comfort to get us through and where will we find the shared determination to end the warfare that we are all paying for, so that peace has a chance?

The cost of murder crisis has many layers. 

They did not lose their lives, they will not get them back, we know where they went, we still have ours.

Kindest regards


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